Short Biography, Paragraph of “Mallarme” short paragraph for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes


Mallarme, Stephane (1842-98). French Symbolist poet. Born in Paris, he made his living teaching English until 1871; he was also a frequent visitor to England. Important influences on his work included Edgar Allan Poe, some of whose poems he translated, and Baudelaire. In the 1860s he emerged as a leader of the Symbolist movement, which believed in the power of poetry to evoke a transcendental reality beyond the world of appearances. His poetry, which revels in word music and mysterious imagery, is famous for its obscurity. Mallarme ‘s best-known works include Herodiade (1864), L’Apres-midi d’un faune (1865), and his last poem, Un Coup de des jamais n’abolira le hasard.



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