Short Biography, Paragraph of “Medici family” short paragraph for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Medici family

Medici family. Florentine mercantile family that ruled Florence for most of the period from 1434 to 1737. Giovanni (1360-1429) founded the wealth of the family and was succeeded by his son, Cosimo (1389-1464), who dominated the Florentine government and was a great patron of the arts and literature. He was succeeded by his son Piero (1416-69), who was virtually bedridden, and his grandson, Lorenzo the. Magnificent (1449-92) Lorenzo was of great influence in Florence and his patronage was more lavish than his grandfather’s. During his life Florence became the centre of Renaissance culture. His son Giovanni (1475-1521) became Pope Leo X (1513), while his daughter Catherine (1519-89) became queen of France on her marriage to Henry II (1533). A patron of the arts, she had considerable political influence, and was the mother of Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III.



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