A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
“A stitch in time saves nine” literal meaning is plain and simple. A small tear or hole in a garment can be corrected or remedied if attended to in time. But if we ignore it, the tear may become big enough to make the garment useless. The only way left then is to discard it.
The same truth holds good in a number of troubles that beset human life. Children very often take to evil habits like stealing, smoking, lying or gambling during the most impressionable period of their tender age. If parents overlook these bad habits in their initial stages, they will indirectly drive their children to a point of no return. But if these evils are detected at the very start and nipped in the bud, they can be protected and saved from the possible disasters.
In our lives also, many times even small misunderstandings generate enmity if not set right immediately. They are like minor complaints which turn into big ailments if left unattended. The lesson that should be drawn from the above discussions is that we must not disregard anything unpleasant to us to prevent it from causing us big trouble later.