Project Name : Cymatics –Tonoscope
Theme Name : Information and Education Technology
Objective : Visualisation of sound
Scientific Principle involved : Resonance
1. Materials used : Circular box ( plastic /metallic )- 1 medium size
2. Hollow pipe – plastic – 1-2 feet long
3. Membrane – plastic flexible- 1 x 1 feet size
4. Fine particles – sand or common salt – white or coloured
5. Card board as base – 1.5 x 1.5 feet
Working investigation/findings: unique sound frequency patterns
Utility and further scope of the project:
1. Disaster forecasting
2. Medical- therapy and treatment
3. Aerospace field
4. Rejuvenation
5. Sound data base
Name of the School: Atomic Engery Central School, Rawatbhata.