CBSE Science Fair Exhibition Project, “Different rates of vibration” Theme “ Mathematics Modelling” for Class 9, Class 10 and 12

Project Name : Different rates of vibration


Theme Name : Mathematics Modelling


(Operation and Working)

All matter exists at specific densities, or looked at another way, at different rates of vibration. Therefore, each individual particle, or collection of particles, will have its own unique resonant frequency.
In this project, amplifier has been used to amplify the various frequencies being generated by Frequency Generator. The same are being fed into a sub – woofer system incorporated into a vibrating box. A membrane fitted onto the top of a vibrating column is used to test the behavior of various substances at various frequencies.



Uses of Cymatics

1. Ligament and Bone Repair

Cymatherapy is based on a vibrational device and clinical trials have been carried out in the US in a variety of settings with applications ranging from dental treatments to bone and muscle injuries.

2. Security

Cymatics being the study of sound can actually be used in security systems as different human beings produce different frequencies which can be matched on an electronic system.

3. Art
Complex mathematical patterns are produced while analyzing frequencies which can be used as art pieces.

4. Music visualization

Music visualization, a feature found in electronic music visualizers and media player software, generates animated imagery based on a piece of music. The imagery is usually generated and rendered in real time and synchronized with the music as it is played.

Name of the School: La Montessori School, Kullu, H.P.


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