CBSE Science Fair Exhibition Project, “Organic – 5” Theme “Natural Resource & their Conservation” for Class 9, Class 10 and 12

Project Name : Organic – 5

Theme Name : Natural Resource & their Conservation

Objective/Aim: To promote sustainable agriculture/Organic farming in India

Scientific Principle Involved: Fermentation (Anaerobic Degradation)

Material used: Cattle dung, Ash, Cattle urine, Vermicompost, Butter Milk, Medicine Plants Like Neem (Azadirachta Indica), Aak (Calotropis Gigantean), Datura (Datura Wrightii), Kaner (Nerium Oleander), Kod Tumba (Citrullus

Investigation/Findings: Now-a-days, commercialism has become a delicious choco-pie which every nation wants to taste at least once. Agriculture industry is also suffering from this profit thinking. For short term gains we are ignoring along term ill effects of this profit oriented agriculture.

Our country with 1.04 billion people is one of the world’s largest nations in term of population being second to only China. According to an estimate, by the year 2020, Indian population would grow to an enormous 1.343 billion. To feed such a huge population, we require 241 million tones of grain production per annum. Therefore, it has become a necessity to maximize food production from both plants and animals. To meet this demand we are constantly using crop boosters in significant amounts. These crop booster are proving very harmful for human beings.

Due to excessive use of fertilizer and pesticides which also provide increased levels of yield, quantity of food is going up but quality is going the other way around. Our environment is on the verge of degradation. These chemical enter the plants and lead to Biological Magnification of toxic substances. Moreover these are also responsible for over utilization of the resources. Thus it has
become the need of hour to stop the damage being done to our environment. This is exactly where sustainable agriculture kicks in. Sustainable agriculture is the act of farming using principles of ecology, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. It can be defined as an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that
will last over the long term.

So, to play our part, here we present a project on Organic farming, which is the most successful form of sustainable agriculture. This project is all about producing a complete pack for organic farming which included different manures, pesticides, and organic fertilizers made from very easily available organic matter. The main principle involved in producing these items is Fermentation.

The pack of Organic five contains:

Vermiwash along with vermicompost

Organic Injection

Butter Milk Insecticide

Organic DAP (Cattle urine + Ash)

Herbal 5

Application & Further scope of the exhibit:

1. It is complete pack, which helps in the growth of plant from very first stage to the stage of ripening without using any chemicals.

2. All the required items can be prepared very easily and cheaply without any issues of accessibility.

‘Organic five’ is pack of five organic components for diet of a plant. It fulfills the demand of macronutrients as well as micronutrients of plant. It also protects the plant from various diseases and pest and strengthens the immune system of the plant.
If the efforts are made the farmers aware about, it can provide a great help to cope up with high cost of production an can provide us chemical free food.

Name of the School: S.B.P. DAV Centenary Public School, Fatehabad, Haryana.

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