The empire of imagination is often more real and lasting than the empire of fact
The primitive man could not differentiate between fact and fancy. Metaphysical speculations reach the conclusion that what we see with our eyes or perceive with our senses is not truth. The truth is hidden behind the curtain which is the material world. Reality shows itself partially that we may catch a glimpse of it. Reality is likened to beauty in things and as we all know it, beauty is something subjective. It belongs to our imagination. This is the human imagination that invests the things with beauty. Therefore, imagination can be more real than fact. Human beings are different from other animate and inanimate things, in man possessing the power of imagination. We also know that material things suffer decay. There is no constancy in them, however long be their life. On the other hand, the things of imagination suffer no decay, they are everlasting. The quality of imagination is divine and like divinity, it is eternal.