English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “They are slaves who dare not be in the right with two or three” 180 Words Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Students.

They are slaves who dare not be in the right with two or three

In the democratic world of today, people are usually swayed by the views of the majority. To follow the majority does not, however, requires any particular courage, initiative or independent thinking. It is like rowing down the current, following the line of the least resistance. On the other hand, it requires real pluck and strength of conviction to differ with the majority and cast one’s lot with the majority. All great men, who have made history, refused to follow the beaten track, the path of smooth sailing laid down by the majority. They broke new grounds departed from accepted theories and gave a new theory or policy of their own. In the beginning, they were branded as heretics or revolutionaries and formed a small minority, but their steadfastness to their views eventually converted the mass of people to their way of thinking. Hence it is said that the minorities of today are the majority of tomorrow. Those who dare not follow their own views and oppose the majority are, therefore, cowards and mental slaves.

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