Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Duties of Students in Free India” English Essays for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduation Exams.

Duties of Students in Free India

India is now free. The Indians are busy in building a strong healthy nation. The students of India have also taken part in it. But how can they serve the nation best is the problem. The student of today is the citizen of tomorrow. So he should prepare himself to be a good citizen. He should do his various duties. He should prepare himself for being a good and useful member of society. First of all he should develop his body and mind. He should devote himself to his studies. Before making himself a good student he should make himself a good boy. He should have moral qualities in him. Students should give up such bad habits as smoking, gambling, wasting time in aimless wanderings or idle gossips. They should have a sound moral character. They should have the qualities of honesty, regularity and sincerity. They should obey their elders and teachers. They should work hard. They should never use unfair means in examinations. They should learn good manners. Students should be ready to render social service. They should help their Government in every way. They must help the Government in finding out the wrong doers. They should check chain-pullings, and the destruction of public property. They should never disturb the peace of their country. They should stop false sensational rumours. They should receive physic-al and millitary training.

Above all students should spread literacy in rurd India.

They should help the poor and the needy. They should love an They should respect the traditions of their motherland. They should not imitate foreigners blindly. They should be mannerly and disciplined. They should never tease girl students.

Students should realize that they are the hopes of our country, so they should try to be serious in their studies. If they fulfill their duties. our dream of having RamRajya in India will he realised soon. as they are the hopes of the country. India expects much of them.


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