Forests in India
India is very rich in forests. There are many types of forests. The differences in the character of forests are due to variations in climate, soil, elevation of the lauds, etc.
Roughly speaking, there are five types of forests in India.
- Arid and semi-arid forests occur in Rajasthan and Gujarat region. Rainfall is extremely scarce in these regions.
- Evergreen forests occur in areas where rainfall is heavy, e.g. in the west coast of India. The trees are bamboos, palm, fern and India rubber.
- Deciduous forests occur in the Sub-Himalayan tract and in Peninsular India. Sal, teak and other important trees are found there. Rainfall is not abundant in these regions.
- The hill forests of deodars, firs, oak and pines found in the elevated mountain legions of northwestern and eastern Himalayas and in Assam.
- Littoral forests are found on the seacoasts and regions washed by tidal waves. The trees belong to the mangrove family.