James Clerk Maxwell James Clerk Maxwell, (1831-79). Scottish physicist. Maxwell worked out the mathematical basis of Faraday’s theory of the relationship between electricity and magnetism. He also formulated an …
Guy de Maupassant Guy de Maupassant, (1850-93). French short-story writer and novelist. During a ten-year period as a clerk in the civil service, he was encouraged and supervised in …
Sir Stanley Matthews Sir Stanley Matthews, (1915- ). English footballer with a reputation for expert dribbling. The son of a barber, he was recruited by Stoke City while still …
St Matthew St Matthew, (fl.1st century AD). New Testament figure, traditionally believed to be the author of the first Gospel. A tax collector by profession, he was among Christ’s …
Henri Matisse Henri Matisse, (1869-1954). French artist, a leading member of the Fauves, a group of painters active from 1905 to 1908. Their style, called Fauvism, distorted or simplified …
Mary, Queen of Scots Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-87). Queen of Scotland. She succeeded her father, James V of Scotland, when only a week old and was brought up …
Mary I Mary I, known as Mary Tudor (1516-58). Queen of England from 1553, the first woman to rule England in her own right. She was the eldest daughter …
Marx Brothers Marx Brothers, A family of US film comedians. The three principal members of the team were Groucho, born Julius Marx (1890-1977); Harpo, born Adolph Marx (1888-1964); and …