Latest English “Comprehension Passage” Solved Exercise-2 Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1. By the child is six or seven, she had all …
Latest English “Comprehension Passage” Solved Exercise. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1. One of the greatest sailing adventures of the past 25 …
The dogs’ bark, but the caravan goes on The great man is firm-minded and they have the courage of their convictions. Once they make a certain plan or decide …
The golden age is not behind us but before us In the first instance, let us be very clear in the conception of the golden age’. A golden age …
Haste makes waste Haste and rashness are almost always negative and destructive. They break health; they wreck business. “Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.” The way of …
Death All, who have gone before you, have submitted to the stroke of death: all who after you shall undergo the same fate—the great and the good, the prince …
No man is completely happy So many and so varied are the evils that beset us in life, and so much are we dependent for our happiness on circumstances …
Honesty is the best policy Experience has shown that honesty is a virtue which is commendable even from a business point of view, although the man who acts honestly, …