Autotrophic Nutrition 1. Photoautotrophic bacteria : These bacteria are capable of entrapping solar energy and utilizing it for the synthesis of complex food materials due to the presence of …
Bacterial Life Processes Discussion of bacterial life processes revolves around the study of the prominent metabolic activates like respiration and nutrition. (A) Respiration : on the basis of mode …
Structure of Flagella The entire flagellar apparatus is made up of three distinct region : basal body, hook and filament. Basal body : it is most complex portion of …
Bacterial Cell Structure Bacterial cell structure is very simple although they are very complex in behavior. They show the most extensive metabolic diversity. Electron microscope can only reveal the …
Eubacteria Bacteria are cosmopolitan and occur in every habitat wherever living or dead organic matter is present. Anton von Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria in rain water which had been allowed …
Position of bacteria in a kingdom system of classification proposed by Linnaeus is Monera Protista Plantae Mychota Position of bacteria in a kingdom system of classification proposed by Linnaeus …
Kingdom : Monera The Kingdom Monera includes all prokaryotes. Monerans are the most primitive forms of life, originating from more ancient living stock termed progenote. The kingdom Monera includes …
Kingdom Systems of Classification 1.Two Kingdom Classification : It was given by Linnaeus. Traditionally all the organisms of the world were divided into two kingdoms- the animal kingdom (Animalia) …