Henry Fonda Henry Fonda (1905-82), US film actor best known for his many roles as an honest and soft-spoken hero. His films include several for the director John Ford, …
Begum Hazrat Mahal Begum Hazrat Mahal, 1876, Begum of Avadh, and freedom-fighter. One of the wives of Wajid Ali Shah, the last King of Avadh, she was originally named …
Hazarat Beg Am Hazarat Beg Am, 1740, Mughal princess. Daughter of Emperor Muhammad Shah (d. 1748), her youthful beauty had excited the aged emperor Alamgir II who came to …
Hayat Baksh Begum Hayat Baksh Begum, 1667, princess of Golconda. Daughter of Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah (d. 1612) she was married to his nephew Muhammad Qutb Shah (d. …
Haram Beg Am Haram Beg Am, 1549-1566, Mughal princess. She was the wife of Humayun’s cousin, Sulaiman Mirza of Badakshan and enjoyed the title of Wali-Niamat (`Lady of Beneficence’). …
Hamida Banu Begum Hamida Banu Begum,1527-1603, Mughal princess, and mother of Emperor Akbar. She was the daughter of Shaikh Ali Ambar Jaina, and was married to Humayun (d. 1556) …
Habbah Khatun Habbah Khatun, later 16th cent, poet and musician A contemporary of Emperor Akbar, her original name was Zun. Married to a man of her own status, she …
Gulrukh Banu Gulrukh Banu, 1660, Mughal princess. Daughter of Shuja, a brother of Atli angzeb (d. 1707), she was betrothed to his son, Muhammad, at Agra, in December 1652, …