Juan Manuel Fangio Juan Manuel Fangio (1911-95), Argentinian motor-racing driver. Fangio began his motor-racing career in South American competitions with a car he had built himself. He was the …
Peter Carl Fabergé Peter Carl Fabergé (1846-1920), Russian goldsmith. Having inherited his father’s jewellery business in 1870, he designed and created flowers, animals, and human figures in gold and …
Edith Evans Edith Evans (1888-1976), British actress. She played in many different types of drama, including Shakespeare and Restoration comedies, but is best remembered for her brilliant comic performance (1939) as …
Euripides Euripides (485-406), Greek tragic dramatist. Noted for his psychological realism, he broke away from the traditions of earlier dramatists by portraying legendary heroes as ordinary men and women. …
Euclid Euclid (300 BC), Greek mathematician. All that is known of his life is that he taught mathematics at Alexandria in Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy I. Euclid …
Æthelred the Unready Æthelred the Unready (968-1016), King of England, whose nickname meant ‘lacking in foresight’. Unable to prevent a Danish invasion, he tried to buy peace from the Danes …
Desiderius Erasmus Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536), Dutch Humanist scholar, the illegitimate son of die priest Rogerius Gerardus. Erasmus himself adopted his Latin-Greek Christian name Desiderius which means ‘beloved’. Ordained in …
Jacob Epstein Jacob Epstein (1880-1959), British sculptor, born in the US. His sculptures were expressionist in style, seeking to represent emotion rather than conventional form; as a result, many …