Value of Industries for Country The progress of a country is to a great extent is measured by its industrial development. To be a strong power in the world, …
The Fear of Examinations Students look upon examinations with contempt; they make all possible effort to avoid them. Educationists are against them and are thinking of abolishing them. Critics …
Dowry System in Indian Dowry means those gifts and presents which are given by a father or guardian to his daughter at the time of her marriage. In ancient …
Youth Violence and The Media The research strongly indicates that we are a more violent society because of our mass media. Exactly how and to what extent the media …
Good Manners Good manners are important. A man is known by his manners. A bad-mannered person is no better than beast. People send their children to good schools so …
Indian Village India is a land of villages. When a tourist comes to our country, one of the things of great interest is the seeing of an Indian Village. …
Media Violence I think that the media have little to do with the increase in violence. Too many people try to place the blame of their actions on someone …
Commonwealth Games The 2010 Commonwealth Games, officially known as the XIX Commonwealth Games, were held in Delhi, India, from 3 to 14 October 2010. A total of 6,081 athletes …