Paragraph, Essay and Speech on “The Sunset” Paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

The Sunset

The sunset in a cloudless sky is very charming to look at. The sun goes down at the end of the day. It sets down in the western horizon. It looks like a big plate of crimson red. The rays of the setting sun are no longer hot. They get soft and soothing. It is a brilliant show of colour the western sky. Then the western sky looks splendid. The crimson red is prominently visible. The sunset scene in the river or in the sea looks splendidly charming. The poets get inspired by it. The bosom of the water looks purple. The sun seems to be sinking in the river or the sea. Darkness begins to come all over the world. The cow-boys come back with their cattle and the birds to their nests.


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