Why is Temperance so Important for Our Health?
In the preservation of health, every man requires a certain quantity of food. This food varies according as the man is young or old, and strong or weak.
However, there is with every man a certain amount of food, which may be called enough, and when this enough is exceeded in the case of any man he is said to be intemperate.
In all matters connected with eating and drinking, we should be strictly guided by prudence and temperance. A man who eats more than he requires is called a glutton, and he who is too much fond of delicate dishes, is an epicure. Therefore, if any person seeks enjoyment in eating and drinking, he greatly lowers himself in the estimation of the people.
The effects of drinking intoxicating liquors are still more injurious. Under the influence of intoxicating drinks people commit the most outrageous actions.
All young men should always be on their guard against intoxicating drinks or drugs, for taking a little will induce them to take more. Sober men and women alike despise any man under the influence of liquor as a drunkard. He cannot work steadily and can scarcely perform what he undertakes.