Dilras Banu Begum
Dilras Banu Begum, 1657, Mughal princess. Daughter of Shah Nawaz Khan of the Persian royal family, she was married to Aurangzeb on 8 May 1653 who was called to Agra from Deccan for this purpose by Emperor Shahjahan. She bore him five children—three daughters and two sons. The daughters were named Zeb-un-Nissa (b.1638), Zinat-un-Nissa (b. 1643) and Zubdat-un.Nissa (b. 1651). Of the two sons, the elder, Muhammad Azam (b. 1653) was killed in the war of succession following the death of Aurangzeb, in June 1707. The younger, Muhammad Akbar (b. 1657) rebelled against his father, and fled away to Persia. Dilras Banu died in childbirth, at Aurangabad, on 8 October 1657. Her eldest son, Azam, built a beautiful tomb at Aurangabad, in the imitation of Taj Mahal, which is still one of the sights of the place.