Tag: Class 10 Essay
Natural resources Anything which is useful to man, or can be transformed into a useful product or can be used to produce a useful thing can be referred to …
Conservation of soil The main aim of soil conservation is to prevent the loss of the precious top soil from erosion and to maintain it in a fertile …
Livestock and fishery resources Domestic animals have played a very important role in human society since pre-historic times. They provide milk, milk-products, leather, fertilizers, fuel, transport and even cloths …
Non Degradable pollutants Pollution caused by substances, on which biotic and abiotic agencies of decomposition art ineffective, is a unique type of pollution. Chemicals causing it are a part …
Ex-situ conservation The existing system of protected areas, national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves has many pit-falls for the survival of species which are limited in distribution. There may …
Bio Diversity and its degeneration The biosphere constitutes a vital life support system for man. Its existence in a healthy and functional state is essential for the existence of …
Rest and Motion In our daily life we come across a variety of objects. Some of them like buildings, tables, chairs, plants etc are stationary i.e. they do not …
Hire Purchase system Hire purchase system is a kind of retailing under which goods are sold on conditional basis. The goods are delivered to the customers at the time …