Tag: Class 12 Essay
What one thing would you take for a trip If there were just one other thing I could take with me on a trip, it would most probably have …
What one thing would you take for a trip When you see a beautiful view of rising sun, when you see a spectacular waterfall, when you enjoy the moment …
What one thing would you take for a trip Whenever I prepare for a long trip, I remember that there is always one thing which I will remind myself …
Melodic Memories For as long as I can remember I have loved listening to music. Whether I am simply walking to the store or going on a trip around …
Why are groups or organizations important to people Human beings are social animals. One cannot live a good life, if totally without others. Although people sometimes may prefer staying …
Why is music important to many people “Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.” English literature is full of references of music. Literatures of different eras reflect the …
Why is music important to many people Music plays a very important role in our life. We can almost hear music anywhere. Different music serves different functions in our …
Why is music important to many people Obviously music has inspired a seemingly endless stream of fantastic productions such as CD, MTV, broadcasting, concerts and so on, which we …