Tag: Class 9 Essay
Sources of Cultural Heritage Books are the most important source of our knowledge of the cultural heritage of the country. Our literary sources take us at best about three …
Evils of Deforestation Man loves nature. Forests are a vast source of natural beauty and wealth. The great sages chose to live and meditate among trees. They gained wisdom …
Man’s Foot on the Moon For a very long time in the past man had been dreaming of reaching the moon. The scientists of America and Russia had …
My Idea of a Happy Life Every body wants to be happy. Happiness is the goal of our life. Scientists have worked hard to make us happy. They have …
Rural Uplift India is an agricultural country. But the condition of Indian villages is not satisfactory. They are very backward. Poor farmers live and pass their time. They …
Some Evils in Our Society Man is a social being. He lives only in a society. Isolate him and he feels punished. But the society he lives in must …
The Qualities Necessary for Success in Life If we look over the ages, we find that all great men who have achieved success and have been famous have …
Utility of Libraries The word ‘library’ comes from the word ‘liber’, meaning “book”. A library is, therefore, a collection of books. There are libraries of different types. e.g. …