Tag: English Essays
The desire for fame is the last infirmity of noble minds Greatness is often described as the conquest of one’s own ambitions. A great man, it is expected, does …
As You Sow So Shall You Reap Whatever we do is returned to us in an increased quantity, in much the same way as a farmer’s labours and his …
Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage Freedom and slavery are not so much physical as mental. He, who possesses this spiritual freedom, mocks …
Home-keeping youths have homely wits This line emphasizes the importance of travel. He, who has never stirred out of his native village or town, is bound to be uniformed …
Prevention is better than cure Or A stitch in time saves nine The saying implies that a timely remedy saves a lot of trouble. All evils begin with small …
He Prayeth Well Who Loveth Well Both Man And Bird And Beast This feeling of pity for the dumb animals and the weak and defenceless human beings is at …
A little learning is a dangerous thing This proverbial line of Pope is directed against half-informed or misinformed quacks of all trades and professions. Let us illustrate the dangers …
Necessity is the mother of invention When we are in need, we try hard to satisfy it. We devote all our energies to fulfilling the demand and it is …