Tag: English Essays
Fundamental Rights : Indian Constitution The Indian constitution contains a chapter on fundamental rights. Part III (Art. 12-35) contains fundamental rights of Indian citizens. The fundamental rights are called …
Save Energy What does it mean to ‘save energy’? Saving energy means using less energy. This can involve using less electricity, less oil or less biomass. Any kind of …
Role of Finance Commission in India India to be a ‘Union of States. In effect, India is a federation consisting of one National or Union Government and a number …
Save Money What does it mean to ‘save money’? Saving money means putting some money aside instead of spending it. Saving money is a good practice if you want …
The Planning Commission in India Note: The Planning Commission of India was scrapped and dissolved in 2014. In its place, NITI Aayog was formed on 1st January, 2015. The …
Sweet are the uses of adversity Adversity refers to hardship, distress, and unpleasant situation that is difficult to overcome. Adverse condition, in some cases, helps a person to strengthen …
Election Commission of India The Election Commission conducts elections according to the prevalent laws in India. The Election Commission is entrusted with the task of ensuring free and fair …
The child is father of the man The phrase, ‘the child is the father of the man’, means that ‘the traits and qualities of a child during his childhood …