Tag: How to Questions
Why is it dangerous to jump out of a moving bus? The body of a person jumping from a moving bus tends to remain motion due to inertia. So, …
Why do the software companies bring out a beta version before releasing their original version? Software company which makes any software has to test it for bugs. errors and …
Why do most older people suffer from blood pressure? The blood vessels carrying the blood to and from the heart harden and lose their elasticity with age. They constrict …
Why is a groundnut more nutritious than wheat? Groundnut is one such food which has percentage of all the three major nutrients which our body needs like carbohydrates, fats …
Why is glucose solution given to ailing patients? Glucose is an instant energy food because it is readily digested by our body and quickly converted into energy. The energy …
Why does the blood clot outside the body and not within the blood vessels? Clotting of blood is brought about by an enzyme called prothrom-bin in the blood. Another …
Why do older people suffer from joint pains? With age, the cartilages which Fluid help in the movement of joints deteriorate and tissues harden. As a result of this …
Why does Neptune appear blue? The atmosphere at Neptune consists of gases like Helium, Hydrogen and Methane. It is the gas Methane which absorbs red light and reflects blue …