Tag: Short Speech
The Donkey After the Cow, the Horse, and the Dog, the Donkey is perhaps the most useful of the animals that serve man, and which we call the “domestic” …
The Ant There is a saying in English “Go to the ant, thou sluggard”, which tells the lazy idle person to take a lesson in industry and thrift from …
A bad workman quarrels with his tools Man is essentially an egoist. He is always conscious of his importance. Some people carry this weakness too far. They would refuse …
Virtue is its own reward One of the basic teachings of Gita is what is called Niskam Karma’, which means that man has to do his duty in a …
Charity is a universal duty Charity is a universal duty, which it is in every man’s power, sometimes to practise; since every degree of assistance given to another, upon …
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter This famous line of Keats expresses the great truth that man is essentially a dreamer, lost in visions of things …
We all desire peace but not the things that make for peace It is of course true that nobody would openly advocate the cause of war unless it is …
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do “Frame” said Milton, “was the last infirmity of the noble mind.” Ordinary people must be much …