Tag: Short Stories English
Imprudence The fifth strategy begins with the following verse: “Whoever without judgment Does what the foolish barber In this chapter did Comes to eternal grief.“ This is the story …
The Jackal’s Strategy Mahachataraka was a jackal living in a forest. One day, he found the body of an elephant and was happy that it would have food for …
The Price of Indiscretion In the city of Nagara, there was a carpenter whose name was Ujjwalaka and who was extremely poor. One day he was pained to realize …
The Carpenter’s Wife Once upon a time, a carpenter lived in a village with his wife. He had heard bad stories about her and wanted to know the truth …
A Three-in-One Story Once upon a time, there was a popular king called Nanda. His people respected him for his learning and valour. He had a prime minister called …
The Story of The Potter Once upon a time, there lived in a village a potter named Yudhishtira. One day, he drank a lot of liquor and got intoxicated …
The Lion and The Foolish Donkey A lion named Karalakesara was living in a forest, loyally served by Dhoosaraka, a jackal that used to accompany the lion wherever he …
The Greedy Cobra and The King of Frogs A big well was the home of Gangadatta, king of frogs. Unable to bear harassment by his relatives, the king abandoned …