Why were the seven wonders of the ancient world famous?
The seven wonders are man-mad objects which excelled in their architecture or craftsmanship built in the ancient times.
They are—
(1) The Pyramids of Egypt were royal tombs of the Egyptian Pharaohs. They were huge, four sided buildings with a square base and triangular sides meeting at the top.
(2) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a gift from King Nebuchod Nezzarf II to one of his wives and were built high up on the walls of temples.
(3) The Temple of Artem, at Ephesus was one of the largest in the ancient world.
(4) The statue of Zeus at Olympia. Greece was made of gold and ivory and showing the king of the gods on his throne.
(5) The Tomb at Hali Carnassus was built for Mausdus, a ruler in Persia.
(6) The Colossus of Rhodes in Greece was a huge, bronze statue of the sub god. Helios placed over the harbour entrance.
(7) The Pharos of Alexandria in Egypt built in 270 B.C. was the first modern light house which had a wood fire burning on top.