Write a letter to the Secretary of a society offering efficient security solutions.
Ram Narayan Kanitkar
A-56 Kamlesh Compound,
Vimla Rani Lane,
28th April, 20
The Secretory,
Krisnadham Co-operative Society,
Subject: Offering efficient security services to your society
Respected Secretary,
We, Global Security are introducing ourselves as the specialists in security and fire fighting services. We render our service to reputed establishments, organizations, industries, factories, hotels, hospitals, theatres, bungalows, construction sites, housing societies, etc.
We are happy to offer security solution services as well as fire defence services to your society on an economic, very expert and specialised basis. We have at our disposal experienced and skilled personals including those who are ex-army soldiers. We also provide private investigations and services with full guarantee.
Our most reasonable terms and conditions are enclosed and we hope to give you more details in a personal discussion on hearing from you.
Kindly write to us if you need specialized and expert services.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Ram Narayan Kanitkar